January 26, 2017


Sectarian Review 29: Shakespeare on Tour

Hosted by

Danny Anderson
Sectarian Review 29: Shakespeare on Tour
The Sectarian Review
Sectarian Review 29: Shakespeare on Tour

Jan 26 2017 | 00:54:46


Show Notes

At the end of last year, Elizabethtown College hosted a travelling copy of Shakespeare's First Folio. Danny happens to be college buddies with the librarian who directed that project and is excited to welcome Josh Cohen to talk about it. What is the origin of this text? How did 82 copies come into the hands of Mr. Folger and end up in the Folger Library? How does capitalism and culture intersect in such cultural objects? Can Danny set aside his class envy long enough to appreciate the legacies of Robber Barons? Listen for this and a lot more.

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