August 24, 2017


Sectarian Review 44: This Is Not Authenticity

Hosted by

Danny Anderson
Sectarian Review 44: This Is Not Authenticity
The Sectarian Review
Sectarian Review 44: This Is Not Authenticity

Aug 24 2017 | 01:34:35


Show Notes

Danny once again welcomes Coyle Neal from the City of Man Podcast to discuss that wiggly, squishy, zany concept of “Authenticity.” Learn about Jonathan Edwards and his concept of authenticity and the use and abuse of external standards. Was Emerson “the great villain?” Can you be “spiritual but not religious?” What does Sheryl Sandberg actually believe? Have postmodernists rediscovered truth in the Age of Trump? Lionel Trilling, Sincerity and Authenticity. Authenticity as performance. Is the House Church movement suffering from Authenticity overload? Coyle authentically begs listeners to write their prayers down. Authenticity that undermines art. Danny mangles Walter Benjamin. Stephen King’s writing advice and art. Danny can’t distinguish Foucault from Barthes. Donald Trump as the perfect embodiment of Authenticity. Obama versus Hillary: writer throw-down. What is the moral cost of insincerity? The fakeness of talk radio and the American media. All this and much more! Links: Obama Bests Clinton At Craft of Writing - The New York Sun ​ America’s First Postmodern President This fake TED Talk about nothing might be the best you've ever seen Sheryl Sandberg: The Importance of Authentic Communication - YouTube Jonathan Edwards: Religious Affections David Wells: The Courage to be Protestant Neil Cole’s ChurchPlanting Daniel Franklin: Politics and Film Francis Schaeffer: The God Who is There Please go to iTunes and leave a review: Also, visit and like our Facebook page to access more content:

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