August 30, 2018


Sectarian Review 85: Keywords, Part 3

Hosted by

Danny Anderson
Sectarian Review 85: Keywords, Part 3
The Sectarian Review
Sectarian Review 85: Keywords, Part 3

Aug 30 2018 | 01:31:17


Show Notes

In the third installment of our "Keywords" series with C. Derick Varn, we focus on a single term with a long and diabolical history: Cultural Marxism. The theory that truth-denying, postmodern Marxists are seeking to undermine society has been around for a while and most recently has been popularized by such intellectual luminaries as Jordan Peterson. What many people don't know, however, is the deeply anti-Semitic roots of this conspiracy theory. What are the historical roots of the term? How was a marginal conspiracy theory mainstreamed by people like Pat Buchanan? Why are conspiracy theories more prevalent on the right than the left? All this and more!

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