Latest Episodes

September 24, 2020
Sectarian Review 158: Universal Monsters and Theology
To get you in the mood for both Halloween and Church, this week's guest is Andy Whitaker-Smith, who discusses his book Universal Monsters and...

August 27, 2020
Sectarian Review 157: Drinking Along with Jon Malesic
Writer Jon Malesic joins the show this week to discuss his recent Commonweal essay, "Drinking Alone," which explores the difficulties of living an academic...

August 13, 2020
Sectarian Review 156: Discipline, Judgement, Politics, Religion
C. Derick Varn joins the show once again to discuss a wide range of topics, beginning with a book review by Michael Clune in...

July 16, 2020
Sectarian Review 155: Tremors
Join Danny Anderson, Katie Grubbs, and Jay Eldred as they discuss the classic sci-fi horror comedy, Tremors!

July 02, 2020
Sectarian Review 154: Weird Christianity
Description:In this big episode, Danny is joined by Michial Farmer of the Christian Humanist Podcast and Ben Crosby to discuss the recent New York...

June 18, 2020
Sectarian Review 153: Hood Scholar
Travis Harris, AKA "Hood Scholar" joins the show for a scintillating discussion about Hip Hop and Christianity, Race in America, and how White Supremacy...